Cream Tea Fund Raiser
Despite torrential rain, the Friends of Warminster Hospital held a very successful Cream Tea Party on Thursday 31st May 2018 afternoon in Mr and Mrs Curtis’s lovely garden. The afternoon was arranged by Mrs Julie Hocken and her team of Committee members.
Realising that there might be rain later, the majority of those who attended arrived promptly at 2.30 pm when the Party started. Committee members and other helpers were soon hard at work providing cream scones and tea for the more than one hundred who braved the weather, some coming from a considerable distance. Mrs Pauline Scott’s excellent plant stall did swift business, as did the Cakes and Bottle Tombola stalls. A number of gazebos provided shelter and the British stiff-upper-lip soon becoming evident with everybody present determined to make the best of it and enjoy themselves whatever the weather.
Within the limited two hours of the Party a remarkable £850 was raised for the Friends funds which will be used for the provision of equipment and services for patients of Warminster Community Hospital, the Avenue Surgery and Care in the Community not covered by the NHS.
Charles Lane
31st May 2018