FOWH Annual Reports
2023 Annual Report
Friends Secretary
Mr Richard Curtis
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Treasurer
Mr John Spencer
Hon. Secretary
Vice Chairman
Hon. Solicitor
Mr Matthew Dunford (Farnfields)
Chairman's Report 2023
After the refurbishment of the hospital in 2022, in 2023 the Friends of Warminster Hospital (FOWH) main financial and activity support has been to the Alzheimer’s Support Day Centre in the Old Silk Works, which works closely with the hospital’s Longleat Ward; the new Garden with a shed, tools & plants; and an Activities Trolley. Under the direction of FOWH Committee Member, Julia Haes, there is an ongoing project to brighten up the hospital with pictures & murals by local artists namely Charles Lane (a former Chairman of FOWH), Sue Vezey, Hilary McFarland, Deirdre Greenwood, Su Cuff, Hilary Jackson, Mark Muspratt-Williams, Alan Booth, Alan Forestier-Walker (picture hanging) and Julia Haes herself. FOWH has paid for the picture framing and some artists’ materials.
The FOWH not only supports the hospital’s Longleat Ward but also local surgeries & community care and the hospital’s outpatient services, which are provided locally to the people of Warminster and the surrounding area there by reducing the need for travel to more distant hospitals such as the RUH Bath and Salisbury:
• RUH Clinics: ENT, Audiology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Midwives, X-Ray
• Wiltshire Health & Care (WHC): Outpatient Physiotherapy, Education & Training Department – training for all WHC staff, Community Cardiac Diagnostics, Community Heart Failure Service, Respiratory Clinic, Orthopaedic Interface Service, Community Orthotics Clinic, Catheter & PICC Line Clinic, Continence Service, Integrated Community Neurology Service, Diabetes Specialist Nursing Service, Tissue Viability Service (Lymphoedema Clinic), Podiatry Clinic
• Specialist Services: Diabetic Retinal Screening Clinic, AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Clinic
We have received generous donations from people whose relations received excellent care in the hospital; covenants; and Carols Hair Stylists with their annual donation from their Christmas Raffle.
Thank you to John Spencer for standing in as Honorary Treasurer of the Friends, who has now hands over the role to Karen Gumm. FOWH continues to appeal for new FOWH Committee members, and the hospital requests volunteers to help on the Longleat Ward or in the new gardens.
- Richard Curtis MBE
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2023
The financial position of the FOWH remains strong with healthy reserves, with good interest on its Deposit Account & Gift Aid payments. The Friends has a healthy Balance Sheet with net assets more than £65,000 and expenditure in the year of £6,700.
- John Spencer
2022 Annual Report
Friends Secretary
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Secretary
Ms Gill Withington
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Hon. Solicitor
Mr Matthew Dunford (Farnfields)
Chairman's Report 2022
2022 was dominated by the refurbishment of the hospital and the subsequent upheaval. NHS Property Services has spent £3½M on this refurbishment, which has included the relocation of the 25 bed Longleat Ward to the ground floor - the ward now has direct access to a garden area.
The Friends of Warminster Hospital (FOWH) main expenditure has been the purchase of new furniture for the ward; the day rooms and the Staff Room. Also, we supported the hospital staff with vouchers to help ease their extra workload as they took on the temporary relocation of the patients to St Martins Hospital in Bath, during the 8 months of the refurbishment work. At our instigation and with our help, there was an Open Day at the hospital in October, which was open to all. The people of Warminster had the opportunity to see the superb work that has gone into Longleat Ward and ward area.
We provided funds for arts & crafts materials for patient therapeutic activities and have continued our support of the Alzheimer’s Support Day Centre in the Old Silk Works.
In the shadow of Covid there have not been any specific fund-raising activities, but we have received generous donations from people whose relations received excellent care in the hospital; the collection at The Minster Church Hymns and Pimm's Service; and Carols Hair Stylists for the proceeds of their Christmas Raffle.
I would particularly like to thank Rodger Stocks for his 34 years as Honorary Treasurer of the Friends as he hands over to John Spencer. FOWH continues to appeal for new FOWH Committee members, and the hospital requests volunteers to help on the Longleat Ward or in the new gardens.
- Richard Curtis MBE
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2022
As the Hospital was closed for renovations for much of 2022, we have not had many requests to fund items for the Hospital the only exception being the furniture for the refurbished Longleat Ward and staff facilities, which we funded. I leave the Friends with a healthy Balance Sheet with net assets in excess of £63,000 available for future requests from the Hospital.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2021 Annual Report
Friends Secretary
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Secretary
Ms Gill Withington
Mr Richard Crow
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Solicitor
Mr Matthew Dunford (Farnfields)
Chairman's Report 2021
2021 continued to be a very difficult year for the NHS as a whole and of course for Warminster Hospital. The Friends have continued to support the staff and patients wherever possible but, as in 2020, the support has been limited to providing items requested by the staff and collecting donations from the public. There is good news on the development of Longleat Ward and the covid restrictions are lessening so 2022 will see the FOWH becoming more active in the community again.
Donations of items by the Friends to the Hospital have been small this year. The FOWH has also continued to support the excellent work undertaken by Alzheimers Wiltshire at the Old Silk Works, (, Warminster. This year a donation of £4,000 was made.
The activity of the committee has been limited and for the second year running no AGM was held due to Covid restrictions. We did manage an on line committee meeting which was successful.
NHS Property Services have now signed a contract to move Longleat Ward, completely refurbished, to the ground floor of the hospital. FOWH is in touch with the Project Managers and we are working to find the best way to add value to the work. The most popular and achievable projects seems to take advantage of being on the ground floor and development of the garden for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy . More details to follow this coming year!
During 2020, the Friends of Warminster Hospital have supplied mobile white boards to the ward for use in group activities. We provided covers to make the iPads used for family calls (especially important due Covid) easier to hold and a number of new DAB radios and LED lights. We also reimbursed volunteers who painted the garden furniture for the cost of the paint and provided the usual Christmas presents for the patients. As a special gift we also funded vouchers given to the staff to thank them again for the hard work throughout 2021.
- Richard Crow
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2021
After another year of Covid restrictions, we have a surplus of £577 due mainly to the generous donations, totalling £4,913, from our benefactors in the town and community. We still have reserves in excess of £80,000 available for the new garden and other Hospital re-development related requests, and other qualifying requirements.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2020 Annual Report
Friends Secretary
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Secretary
Mr Richard Crow
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Dr Kate Kozlowski
Hon. Solicitor
Ms Victoria Huntley-Shaw
Chairman's Report 2020
2020 was my second full year as the Chairman of the Friends of Warminster Hospital and what a year it has been for the marvellous NHS. It has been a year of restrictions and lockdowns which placed enormous stress upon the NHS and whilst the fundraising and interaction activities of the FOWH have been severely constrained, we tried to support in a number of continue our support in a number of ways.
Requests to FOWH from NHS staff have not been large this year. In addition, the previously agreed purchase and donation of an Interactive Multi-Activity Table, which was supposed to happen in March 2021 was delayed until later in the year.
Despite the expenses incurred and the lack of fundraising possibilities during the year, the financial position of the FOWH remains strong with healthy reserves available.
Yet again the Committee has been continuing to plan for the potential investments required to support the move of Longleat Ward from the first to the ground floor of the hospital. At the time of writing, the detailed planning and, more importantly the financial commitment, have not been finalised by NHS Property Services. The committee remains fully committed to helping with this project when it finally materialises.
During 2020, the Friends of Warminster Hospital have supplied an Interactive Table to support the maintenance of cognitive and physical function for use by all the short and long term patients of the ward. Further fans and were supplied to the staff areas to help with cooling in the hot summer and new microwave was supplied for the staff kitchen. During the early stages of the pandemic the FOWH also supplied cakes (purchased from Taste Del, Warminster) on a weekly basis for 12 weeks and contributed to staff Goodie Bags for Easter organised by Warminster Action Group. Regular donations to the Alzheimer’s Society totalled £1,000 this year to be used towards supporting the Alzheimer’s Support Day Centre in the Old Silk Works, Warminster.
At the time of writing (March 2021) we remain in unprecedented times with the country in the grip of the Covid global pandemic. The hospital staff continue to do an incredible job and the Friends of Warminster continue to support them.
- Richard Crow
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2020
In the last 12 months our total funds have reduced by around £8,000 leaving a total fund of £82,093.91. This is due to the capital cost of the Interactive Table. The funds of the charity remain very healthy with the plan to spend significantly when the Longleat ward move is finally given the go ahead.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2019 Annual Report
The Marquess of Bath
Friends Secretary
Mr Richard Curtis
Hon. Secretary
Mr Richard Crow
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Dr Kate Kozlowski
Hon. Solicitor
Ms Victoria Huntley-Shaw
Chairman's Report 2019
I have had the honour of being the Chairman of Friends of Warminster Hospital for my first full year and I am delighted to say that during 2019 the Friends have continued to support Warminster Community Hospital, the Avenue Surgery and Community Care. Requests for assistance have not been large and as a result our financial position remains very strong. The Committee continued to plan to invest heavily to support the move of Longleat Ward from the first to the ground floor of the hospital, which will give access to a new garden for residents, but the detailed planning for this important project has, as yet, not been completed by NHS Property Services. The committee remains fully committed to helping with this project when it finally materialises. The Friends have supplied Dyson air cooling fans, and a large TV, for the ward and day room respectively, both at the request of the hospital staff. Aspirometer and syringe were also bought and donated to The Avenue Surgery at their request. Regular donations to the Alzheimer’s Society have totalled £3,000 this year to be used towards supporting the Alzheimer’s Support Day Centre in the Old Silk Works, Warminster.
As can be seen from the accounts, the people of Warminster and from much further afield have made many very generous donations totalling over £10,000. As ever, most of these donations are from former patients of Longleat Ward and their families. In many cases patients in the Ward are allocated to Warminster after treatment at RUH Bath, Salisbury hospital or elsewhere on a first come first served basis; that is to say from all parts of Wiltshire and sometimes outside the county. Wherever the patients are from they appreciate the care and kindness they receive while in Warminster, which says much for our dedicated Hospital staff. A number of specific donations have been made for the benefit of the staff in the hospital, and I am glad to report that we have recently been able to pass these donations on in a practical way. At the time of writing we are in completely unprecedented times with the country in the grip of the Covid global pandemic. The NHS have stepped up to the plate and the Friends of Warminster Hospital are supporting locally where and when asked and we are ready to do more if needed.
- Richard Crow
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2019
In the last 12 months, our total funds have grown by just under £6,500 giving a total fund of £90,240.33. This is mainly because of a large anonymous donation. The funds of the charity remain very healthy with the plan to spend significantly when the Longleat ward move is finally given the “go ahead”.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2018 Annual Report
The Marquess of Bath
Hon. Secretary
Mrs Val Hewitt
Col Charles Lane
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Dr Kate Kozlowski
Hon. Solicitor
Mrs Elizabeth Neame
Chairman's Report 2018
During 2018 the Friends have continued to support Warminster Community Hospital, the Avenue Surgery and Community Care. Requests for help have not been heavy during the past year but this may change in 2019 in consequence of the probable move of the Longleat Ward from the first to the ground floor. This move will obviate the need to repair the balcony off the present upstairs Ward, which I mentioned in my last report, and would have incurred considerable expense.
The Wifi provision completed during the year to the great benefit of both staff and patients involved in Dementia Reminiscence Therapy. I would like to thank our Committee member Tony Jackson who has vigorously pursued this project from start to finish. His efforts culminated in the system being recently ‘opened’ by our MP Dr Andrew Murrison who complimented the enthusiasm of the Hospital staff.As can be seen from the Accounts opposite, the people of Warminster and much further afield have made many very generous donations. The majority of these donations are from former patients of Longleat Ward or their relatives. In many cases patients in the Ward are allocated to Warminster after treatment at RUH Bath, Salisbury Hospital or elsewhere on a first come first served basis; that is to say from all parts of Wiltshire and sometimes outside the county. Wherever the patients are from they appreciate the care and kindness they receive while in Warminster, which says much for our dedicated Hospital staff. A number of specific donations have been made for the benefit of the Carers and staff of Community Care, and I am glad to report that we have recently been able to pass these donations on in a practical way.
At the end of 2018 I handed over as Chairman of the Friends’ Committee to Mr Richard Crow who has much experience in the charitable field. In doing so, I would like to give special thanks to all members of the Committee for their invaluable support during a number of years.
- Charles Lane
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2018
We are pleased to note that the expenditure on Hospital Wifi system in previous years has been successful. In 2018 the major item of expenditure was the £5,000 contribution towards the establishment of the new Alzheimers Support Day Centre in the Old Silk Works, Warminster. This was in addition to our normal annual support of £3,000.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2017 Annual Report
The Marquess of Bath
Hon. Secretary
Mrs Val Hewitt
Col Charles Lane
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Vice Chairman
Under discussion (pending)
Hon. Solicitor
Mrs Victoria Huntley-Shaw
Chairman's Report 2017
Last year, under the initiative of the Manager of the Longleat Ward there were a number of measures taken to improve the well-being of those suffering from dementia. Part of this was the Dementia Reminiscence Therapy system comprising interactive hardware and software which can be used at the patients’ bedside – but requires Wifi. The provision of patients’ Wifi has been frustratingly slow despite the Friends initially committing considerable funds for its provision. Some wiring and ducting had been completed in the autumn. In November 2017 the NHS decided to take over (providing and funding) medical and patient Wifi in all hospitals, promised by the end of 2018.
Another area that has been slow to resolve, and to which the Friends have promised support, is the re-opening of the balcony from the Longleat Ward Day Room. The ability to give patients fresh air and some exercise in the summer is self-evident. For Health and Safety reasons, the balcony was closed in the Spring (2017) unless one-to-one supervision nurse-to-patient could be provided. With the staff available, this was impracticable. While a decision has yet to taken by the NHS, the Friends will continue urging that the work be undertaken to make the balcony usable with less supervision as soon as possible.
At the recent AGM, the enormous generosity of many people in Warminster and from further afield was acknowledged. In 2017 this amounted to the magnificent sum of £2,700
The Vice-Chairman of the Friends, Mrs Pauline Scott, has retired from the Committee after many years of very stalwart work. Her great energy and enthusiasm in organising Fetes, Summer Teas and Christmas Coffee Mornings was always outstanding. She will be sorely missed.
- Charles Lane
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2017
The Friends spent £9,653 supporting the Hospital and local community and are pleased that in spite of low interest rates we have, through the help of our supporters raised an income of £8,l 16. This comprises gifts and donations: £2,890; subscriptions and covenants: £744; organised events: £1,728; and a generous legacy of £2,000. We have reserves totalling £86,000 for future requests to support the Hospital and local health.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
2016 Annual Report
The Marquess of Bath
Hon. Secretary
Mrs Val Hewitt
Col Charles Lane
Hon. Treasurer
Mr Rodger Stocks
Hon. Membership Secretary
Mrs John Hazel
Vice Chairman
Mrs Pauline Scott
Hon. Solicitor
Mrs Elizabeth Neame
Hon. Auditor
Mr Barry Treadwell
Chairman's Report 2016
As with 2015, 2016 has been a comparatively quiet year in relation to the Friends funding help for Warminster Community Hospital, the Surgeries in the town and Community Care. The services and equipment that have been provided by the Friends can be seen in the Accounts opposite, of which some are mentioned in the Hon. Treasurer's Report below. 2016 saw the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Warminster Cottage Hospital (on the same site as the present Community Hospital). In 1866, the Rev. Sir James Erasmus Philipps, Vicar of Warminster 1859-1897, sought a house (a small farm) and land from Lord Bath. With his customary energy and drive, the Rev. Philipps raised funds for a Cottage Hospital that was opened by the Marchioness of Bath on 7 August 1866. On 8 August 2016, a large, contemporary photograph of the Rev. Philipps was unveiled in the Community Hospital by his great-great granddaughter, Nicky Philipps, the well-known portrait painter. Under the initiative of the Manager of Longleat Ward, the Friends are supporting several measures aimed at improving the well-being of patients suffering from dementia. Part of this is a Dementia Reminiscence Therapy system comprising interactive hardware and software which can be used at the patient's bedside. As well as funding this equipment, the Friends are supporting the instalment of Wifi so the Dementia Therapy package can be used to its greatest advantage. Additionally, the Friends are supporting the installation of one or more murals donated to the Ward Day Room. These large (4ft x 6ft) paintings are of very detailed local scenes that will help simulate memories and comment by those who see them. While these initiatives will be paid for in 2017, it seems only right to report them here since they have been in train for the past six months. I would like to thank all members of the Friends Committee for their support during the year, in particular my Vice Chairman, Mrs Pauline Scott who with her team, organised a very successful Summer Cream Tea and a Christmas Coffee Morning raising funds for the Friends.
- Charles Lane
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2016
In 2015 the Friends spent £25,600 on behalf of the Hospital and local Community. 2016 has proved to be a quieter year. As well as our annual grant of £3,000 to Alzheimer Support, an iCare Tonometer (£2,395) was bought which greatly enhances the usage of the Visual Field Analyser (£12,000, 2011) and OCT Eye Scanner (£36,000,2015) in the Ophthalmology Outpatients Department. All requests were met during 2016, and as noted above we have earmarked funds for a number of initiatives in developing therapy for dementia patients in the Longleat Ward. Donations from a wide variety of sources continue to provide an important part of our annual income and we are immensely grateful to all who support us in this way.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
Chairman's Report 2015
Our Financial Year ends on 31 December. 2015 has been a comparatively quiet year for the Friends.
During the summer of 2014, the 38-years-old X-Ray machine at the Hospital broke down and could not be repaired. There was considerable anxiety that this valuable resource might not be replaced. The Friends had previously been asked if, in the event of a breakdown, we would provide funds for new X-Ray equipment and infrastructure (improved shielding involving radical rebuilding work) costing approximately £165,000. This we were not prepared to do on the basis that our funds are not intended to replace services or equipment expected to be met by the NHS. Fortunately NHS funds were found and by early 2015 a complete new X-Ray machine and associated equipment had been installed. As will be seen in the Hon. Treasurer’s Report, we responded to a request to provide some additional enhancements not within the NHS schedule. The X-Ray is well used (about 90 patients per week) resulting in local people not having to travel too far for treatment - one the important aims of the Friends.
As well as our annual contribution of £3,000 to Alzheimer Support, which does such valuable work for those suffering from this condition, there was only one other major item of expenditure. This was to provide one of the Surgeries with three Cardiac Monitors for external use by their patients.
As will be seen from the Accounts opposite, Donations to the Friends are considerable, with the Longleat Ward Collection, amounting to well over £3,000. The Friends are immensely grateful for this support, and also for receiving many letters of appreciation of the staff of the Longleat Ward and everybody working in the Hospital.
We were saddened at the recent death of Mrs Norah McMinn who had been a Committee member for many years. As well as sincerely thanking all Committee members for their support during 2015, the Chairman would like to thank Mrs Pam Goodger (recently retired from the Committee) for her always enthusiastic contributions.
- Charles Lane
Chairman's Report 2014
As with 2013, 2014 has been a quiet year for the Friends. As well as our annual contribution of £3,000 to Alzheimer Support, which does such valuable work for those suffering from this disease, there was only one other major item of expenditure. This was to provide the Hospital's Longleat Ward with a Panoramic Tilt Chair. As its name suggests this large padded chair can be adjusted in any direction and angle bringing comfort to patients whose movements are very limited. At the end of the year we bought two replacement Television sets for the Day rooms, and an audio system is being investigated, not least for use with 'talking books'.
In June we were very saddened by the unexpected death of our Membership Secretary, Mrs Valerie Wheeler. Valerie had served on the Committee since 1987 (and probably before) while living first in Horningsham and latterly in Warminster. Her cheerful enthusiasm will be very much missed.
Our Website: has now been running for eighteen months and is proving to be a useful way of disseminating Friends' news as well as attracting enquiries regarding membership, donations and questions about the history of the Hospital -the last answered as best we can!
For many years Mrs Audrey Grey and friends have been organising monthly Bring-and-Buy Coffee Mornings at the Hospital each month. In the past these enjoyable events have played an important part in raising funds for the Friends. Due to the occasional uncertainty (sometimes at quite short notice) of a suitable room being available and due also to the limited attendance during the past two years, it has been decide that these Coffee Morning will now stop. An Annual Summer Tea Party, based on the Hospital, is being examined by the Committee.
Our 2014 Christmas Bazaar and Draw was most successful in raising funds for the Friends. This will now be an annual event - 5 December in 2015.
I would again like sincerely to thank the Committee for all the support they have given to me and the organisation of the Friends during 2014
- Charles Lane
Hon Treasurer’s Report 2013
During 2014 the Friends Income was enhanced by the receipt of two significant legacies totalling £39,600. Requests for equipment and services from the Hospital and the Surgeries were fully met, their cost being £6,163 (approximately half the amount spent in 2013). A very large number of public donations, together with other income sources, gave us a net surplus (not including the legacies) of £2,100 for 2014.
With the year-end Capital of more than £113,000, we are in a position to continue to give support to the Community Hospital, Surgeries, and to Care in the Community for the benefit of their patients. A foreseeable major cost may arise from the current, and much needed, replacement of the Hospital X-Ray equipment. Although this is an NHS provision, it is expected that we will receive requests to supply ancillary items to improve this service for patients.
- Rodger Stocks FCA
The Friends of Warminster Hospital-Registered Charity No: 207384